Von Ralf Keuper
Der CEO von Polymath, Trevor Koverko, will Security Token Offerings (STO) marktfähig machen, wie in Polymath CEO Trevor Koverko on Smart Investing, Secret Societies, and Security Tokens zu erfahren ist.
Die Ambitionen sind groß:
Polymath has some ambitious plans, in fact, they aim to be the “Ethereum of Security tokens.” Just as Ethereum made it easy for developers to launch IPOs, Polymath is making it easy for non-technical Wall Street folks to launch STOs. By simply using their platform, issuers can launch their own security token with a few clicks (without having to understand Solidity).
Um die Verbreitung zu beschleunigen, soll ein eigener Standard lanciert werden:
Oh, and they’re launching the ST20 Security Token Standard. Yes, just like the ERC20 standard for utility tokens. Polymath plans on the same model for security tokens, creating the new standard moving forward–no wonder he’s so pumped.
Erste namhafte Unterstützer aus der Blockchain-Szene konnten gewonnen werden:
Some of the first Polymath issuers have been announced however and they include IPwe, the world’s first blockchain-enabled patent registry, and BlockEstate, a tokenized US real estate fund. Trevor also made an announcement live at the conference to say that one of the first issuers is a filmmaker raising funds for his movie through an STO.
Einige Marktbeobachter gehen davon aus, dass Security Token Offerings (STO’s) die ICO’s ersetzen werden.
Der Vorteil von Security Tokens bestehe darin, dass sie – im Gegensatz zu Utility Tokens – auf handelbaren Assets basieren.