The provision of legal identity for all is increasingly viewed as a key mechanism for driving development goals. Behavioural attributes produced through digital interactions may have significant potential for enabling access to a legal identity for all, however the social, legal, and technical affordances and implications remain under-explored.
In the developing world investment in identity systems is growing exponentially, however successfully implemented systems may still fail to address the needs of the most marginalised in society, and in some instances further marginalise vulnerable communities, destroying informal economies of exchange and support whilst simultaneously excluding them from the newly developed formal mechanisms based on more robust identity systems.
This report brings together leading researchers across the legal and social sciences, alongside technical and commercial specialists to explore the challenges and the opportunities for the digital collection of behavioural attributes for new and emerging digital identity systems. We provide a unique and wide view to the problem area, and unpack the role of behavioural attributes within the existing legal, social and technical landscape.