Von Ralf Keuper
Vor wenigen Tagen erfolgte der offizielle Start der Data Sharing Coalition. Die Gründungsmitglieder der Data Sharing Coalition stammen fast ausschließlich aus den Niederlanden, sie steht aber Unternehmen und Initiativen aus anderen EU-Ländern offen.
Zur Zielsetzung:
The Data Sharing Coalition strives to enable cross-sectoral data sharing between companies and institutions. In doing so, control of data should remain with the entitled party. This creates new opportunities for companies and institutions in various sectors. This initiative is not restricted to the Netherlands and aims to offer an implementation mechanism for the new European data strategy.
The realisation of cross-sectoral use cases requires better interoperability between existing – often sector specific – data sharing initiatives. This requires generic agreements on topics such as technical standards, data semantics, legal agreements, and trustworthy and reusable digital identities. These generic agreements will be established in the harmonisation canvas of the Data Sharing Coalition.