Hervorzuheben sind die Folien 9, 10 und 17 mit ihren Kernaussagen:
Roadmap to Blockchain: Institution to Individual
Individual-centric, scalable Health Data Storage which securely allows organizations to share data with individuals and stakeholders. Sharing and Privacy together.
Blockchain platforms & apps will use DLT technologies for a immutable data transaction record not for data storage.
Blockchain Benefits for Health Data Sharing
- Combine general population data with the individual’s data.
- Validated data, yet private: a private patient ID.
- Any kind of data profile for an individual, IoT, etc.
- Individuals choose desired level of privacy to a public (or other) store for research.
- See how one’s DNA profile is related to personal information.
- Potential for complete, longitudinal data of individual and population, with trust.
- Sharing can be compensated.
- Distributed data model improves security, lowers costs
Link: Health Data & Blockchain: The New Sharing Frontier