Von Ralf Keuper
Die Wirtschaft wird künftig mehr noch als bisher auf verifizierte digitale Identitäten angewiesen sein, wenn die Potenziale, die mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung einher gehen, gehoben werden sollen. So in etwa argumentiert Everest in Identity: the ‘OS layer’ of an economy. Ausgangsthese:
Identity is the operating system for economic transactions. It is the basis for further development. We trust because the value of our identity is most often higher than the value of the transaction. It allows access to a greater value than we currently hold.
Digitale Identitäten bzw. die Systeme, welche diese bereit stellen oder unterstützen, sind der Schlüssel, um am Wirtschaftsleben teilnehmen zu können:
Whilst everyone’s identity starts equal, the more institutions and identity services you have access to, the greater access to economic services you are granted. Young people are given access to credit of hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to access a college education. Their identity is anchored even further, to their families, to assets held by their families. The financial institution can use their identity to work out their risk as an entity and can invest in their development because their identity provides information about the likelihood of the return. Ident…