Von Ralf Keuper
Anbei eine Aufstellung von Beiträgen, die mir in dieser Woche besonders ins Auge gefallen sind:
- Blockchain Will Really Disrupt Silicon Valley Once Consumers Control Own Data
- Vault Systems to host Australia’s digital identity solution
- Blockchain and identity: a solution without a problem?
- Meet the Blockchain Platform that Puts People Back in Control of Their Identity
- The Time for Self-Sovereign Identity is Now
- Equifax says it owns all its data about you
- Big banks have been collecting information on you for years
- How to Protect Your Identity, Personal Data and Property
- Individuals should get their part in the economy of personal data
- Digital Identity: Australia’s $11 billion opportunity
- Identity Austria: Innenministerium testet Online-Identitätsnachweis
- Identität im Internet: Theaterworkshop spielt mit Grenzen zwischen realer und digitaler Welt