Von Ralf Keuper
Die Vermutung liegt nahe, dass die Mega Cities[1]Das unheimliche Wachstum der Megacities, deren Zahl stetig steigt, den Statuts souveräner Kleinstaaten annehmen werden. Städte, die für ihre Bürger eigene digitale Identitäten herausgeben, werden dann zur Normalität.
Dave Birch kann dieser Vision in Don’t listen to technologists (eg, me) listen to the anthropologists einiges abgewinnen. Zumindest scheint sie für ihn plausibel zu sein.
What this means to me is that the future sense of identity will be city-centric, with people seeing themselves as Londoners and New Yorkers rather than Brits and Yanks, a view that the COVD-19 crisis seems to have reinforced. Their loyalties will be more local than ours and the relationships between cities will replace the relationships between countries as the most important tensions and dynamics. I can’t help but wonder if cities will begin by forming trade pacts and then moving on to form defence alliances, bearing in mind that the wars of the future will be fought in cyberspace. Never mind national identity in the India (Aadhar) model or provincial identities as in Canada. What if these specific city identities are the core of the future digital identity models?
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