Von Ralf Keuper

Die Sovrin Foundation, einer der Treiber bei der Verbreitung selbstverwalteter Identitäten, ist momentan dabei, sich neu aufzustellen[1]SSI is Anti-Fragile, meet the Sovrin Identity DAO.

Geplant ist der Aufbau einer Decentralized Autonomous Organisation.

As such, we are actively exploring the creation of a DAO to rapidly form a consistent and representative lobbying voice for the primary financial backers and donors to the Sovrin network, whose expressed interest is the delivery of a tokenised Sovrin network instance.

The hope is this DAO could enable SAFT holders to engage with the Transition Committee, and the other stakeholders within and across the Sovrin community.

All members of The DAO will be able to table and vote in a transparent and auditable way on exactly how we as a stakeholder group move forward, and the future design and roll out of a possible tokenised network.

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