With the rise of the internet and Web 2.0 in the last two decades, these digital identities have started to expand rapidly. Social media pro les, e-mail, and banking accounts are used on a daily basis and are considered a highly important extension of who we are.
Dashlane, a password management solution, prognoses that in 2020, the average number of accounts per Internet user will be 2071. It is a valid concern to question whether people will be able to remember and protect all of these. In addition to the exponential growth of this type of identity, we see that they are also used – and sometimes even required – to supplement physical identities (f.e. adding an e-mail address to civil identity).
Not only has the number and popularity of digital identities been growing, digital channels are also growing, and more and more transactions need a veri cation of identity.
Quelle / Link: Digital Identity: A contest for control