Von Ralf Keuper

Eine neue Plattform für die Verwaltung digitaler Identitäten und personenbezogener Daten ist an den Start gegangen: LOOMIA. Darüber wird u.a. in New York Tech Company LOOMIA Taps Multi-Billion Dollar Personal Data Market berichtet. LOOMIA unterscheidet sich von anderen Lösungen aus dem Umfeld dadurch, dass es eine Verbindung zwischen der Person und ihrer Bekleidung herstellt.


LOOMIA suggests a protocol for multi-factor identity verification that bridges the physical world and the digital world to prove that the physical you is the digital you. We do this by using personal data collected from your garments, synced to an online profile and verified with a fingerprint. In short, we ensure that you are you by collecting personal data from what you wear (Quelle: LOOMIA TILE – A Decentralized Platform for Identity and Personal Data)

Der Nutzer soll die Möglichkeit haben, seine personenbezogenen Daten in Eigenregie zu verwalten und zu verkaufen:

The LOOMIA protocol ensures that your personal data continues to belong to you. Instead of companies profiting off of your identity, you can own and sell your data to brands, researchers, and other organizations who are interested in learning more about how you use their products and systems, thus creating a closed feedback loop with no middleman and allowing you to profit from being you.

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