Von Ralf Keuper
Vor wenigen Wochen wurde auf diesem Blog der Beitrag Economics of Trust in the Information Economy: Issues of Identity, Privacy and Security aus dem Jahr 2003 als wegweisend vorgestellt. Wenngleich erst einige Tage alt, hat der Beitrag The Evolution of Trust in a Digital Economy ebenfalls das Zeug, in die Annalen einzugehen.
The very institutions whose charter is brokering social trust—banks and governments—have in many parts of the world spectacularly failed to do so, especially during the lifetimes of those younger than 35. …
At the beginning of the 21st century, trust is undergoing yet another stage of evolution. The very banks that underwrote modern capitalism by acting as secure brokers of trust have in many ways become an impediment to its development. In our current financial system, policy and law tend to disincentivize exploitative practices through punishment. In the future, blockchains could simply design those practices out of the picture. …
The Bitcoin blockchain also doesn’t store identity data; it uses public/private key pairs, rather than accounts, as addresses. …
Die entscheidende Frage in der Zukunft wird sein, wie die Digitalen Identitäten vor zudringlichen Blicken geschützt werden können. Denn: Über die Public Key-Adr…