Von Ralf Keuper

Die EU-Kommission beabsichtigt, mit dem Digital Services Act das Vertrauen der EU-Bürger in die digitale Ökonomie zu stärken. Hierfür wird das EU-Rahmenwerk für den E-Commerce an die Gegebenheiten der Plattform- und Datenökonomie angepasst.

Confirming the objectives of the e-Commerce Directive, the resolution calls for measures which have consumer protection at their core, by including a detailed section on online marketplaces, and which ensure consumer trust in the digital economy, while respecting users’ fundamental rights. The resolution also advocates for rules to underpin a competitive digital environment in Europe, and envisages the Digital Services Act as a standard-setter at global level. …

The resolution on ‘Digital Services Act: adapting commercial and civil law rules for commercial entities operating online’ calls for more fairness, transparency and accountability for digital services’ content moderation processes, ensuring that fundamental rights are respected, and guaranteeing independent recourse to judicial redress. The resolution also includes the request for a detailed ‘notice-and-action’ mechanism addressing illegal content, comprehensive rules about online advertising, including targeted advertising, and enabling the development and use of smart contracts.

Die Plattform-Betreiber werden aufgefordert, so noch nicht geschehen, wirkungsvolle Maßnahmen einzuleiten, um die Zuverlässigkeit der auf ihren Plattformen zur Verfügung gestellten Informationen zu gewährleisten, sowie die Integrität der Händler zu prüfen (Vgl. dazu auch Article 22 Tracebility of traders).

.. the online platforms covered should make reasonable efforts to verify the reliability of the information provided by the traders concerned, in particular by using freely available official online databases and online interfaces, such as national trade registers and the VAT Information Exchange System, or by requesting the traders concerned to provide trustworthy supporting documents, such as copies of identity documents, certified bank statements, company certificates and trade register certificates.

Unabhängige und mit der nötigen technischen Expertise ausgestattete Prüfer sollen dafür sorgen, dass die Informationen sicher und integer sind.

Auditors should …