Von Ralf Keuper
Digitale Identitäten, wie die BankID in Schweden und Norwegen, sind nach Ansicht von Yury Myshinskiy in Digital identity: a growing multi-billion market that serves emerging gig economy and modern finance der Schlüssel für die Verbreitung der Gig-Economy.
Digital ID is one of the cornerstones of the “gig economy”. Gig workers almost never meet their employers face to face, making reliable remote identification processes crucial to ensure customers’ safety. Such offerings could also help match gig workers to jobs based on their qualifications. Stories abound of consumers hiring construction contractors that did not have the right tools, or freelance copy editors that made critical errors because they were unqualified. Employers could use a digital ID system to review potential workers’ qualifications, and workers could automatically filter searches so they only show gigs that meet their exact qualifications.
Myshinskiy nennt als lobendes Beispiel weiterhin die Thailändische Börse. Dort wurde ein Digitales Gateway lanciert, mit dessen Hilfe d…