Von Ralf Keuper
Auf dem Weg, ein wichtiger Spieler im Identitätsmanagement zu werden, ist HPE mit der Übernahme von Scytale einen großen Schritt voran gekommen. In einem HPE-Blogpost heisst es zu der Verstärkung durch Scytale:
This team of experts in cloud-native security and zero-trust networking is also recognized as the founding contributors of the SPIFFE (the Secure Production Identity Framework for Everyone) and SPIRE (the SPIFFE Runtime Environment) open source projects to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
Zu den weiteren Beweggründen:
We recognize that every organization that operates in a hybrid, multi-cloud environment requires 100% secure, zero trust systems, that can dynamically identify and authenticate data and applications in real-time. We also recognize that the open source community, which every day advances an endless array of projects designed for an open, multi-cloud, micro-services driven world, are at the forefront of writing code that delivers true zero trust, highly secure systems.
Ein, wenn nicht der Grund für die Übernahme dürfte das bereits erwähnte Engagement von Scytale bei SPIFFE und SPIRE sein:
We see many opportunities to leverage SPIFFE and SPIRE across the HPE portfolio, and believe state-of-the-art cryptographic-identity technology will play a critical role in enterprise-scale digital transformation, cloud-enablement, and cloud-migration projects. This acquisition will provide our customers and partners the freedom to design, deploy, and achieve their IT operational goals, regardless of supplier or location, with the same level of trust that was previously achievable only through proprietary network-security schemes.
Zu den bekanntesten Anwendern von SPIFFE zählen Square und Pinterest (Vgl. dazu: Square & Pinterest talk about how they are using SPIFFE). Im Dezember vergangenen Jahres wurden 13 weitere SPIFFE-und SPIRE-Features veröffentlicht, darunter OIDC federation, SPIFFE federation und Database authentication (Vgl. dazu: Top 13 Capabilities Within SPIFFE and SPIRE Released In 2019 ).