Von Ralf Keuper
Apple verfolgt konsequent sein Ziel, das iPhone zum Ausweisdokument zu machen. Parallel dazu hat Apple mit seinem neuesten iOS-Update, das die Nutzer vor Tracking schützen soll, in der Werbebranche für Unruhe gesorgt.
In dem Patent Providing verified claims of user identity von Apple vom 2.07.2020 heißt es:
The subject system allows a user to obtain a verified claim of identity that serves as a digital identity for the user, that includes information for identifying the user (e.g., information that was provided by the user and verified by one or more systems), and that can be re-used across different service providers. Thus, a verified claim of identity may correspond to a claim that information, provided by a user for identifying the user, has been verified by one or more systems. In one or more implementations, the verified claim may be implemented as a data structure (e.g., a JSON data structure) that includes a claim header to identify the verifie…
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