Von Ralf Keuper
Das in Berlin ansässige Unternehmen BigchainDB arbeitet zusammen mit dem Toyota Research Institut an einer Datenaustauschplattform für autonome Fahrzeuge, wie in der Unternehmensmitteilung BigchainDB and TRI Announce Decentralized Data Exchange for Sharing Autonomous Vehicle Data zu erfahren ist. Der Prototyp trägt den Namen AVDEX für Autonomous Vehicle Data Exchange.
The Autonomous Vehicle Data Exchange — AVDEX — allows researchers to buy datasets from data producers, for improving the artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms for autonomous vehicles.
The AVDEX prototype combines the high security cryptography and blockchain technology with real-world reputation to allow researchers to confidently buy datasets. The prototype is built on a radical new web architecture that has only a web application running Java Script that points to a persistent decentralized database — IPDB, a global public database. This architecture allows any developer to build blockchain applications quickly without needing a deep understanding the underlying blockchain technologies, a significant barrier to broader blockchain adoption until now.
BigchcainDB ist auch Initiator des neuen Datenmarktplatzes für Endverbraucher Datum.
Weitere Informationen:
BigchainDB and Toyota announce decentralized exchange for sharing autonomous vehicle data